On their quest to travel around the world, our friends Oli and Rafael have now crossed from Asia to North America! And thanks to their trained eyes, they have found some rather interesting traces of Switzerland along the way...
While Oli and Rafael arrived on the West coast, traveling from Washington State to Vancouver and Alaska, Swiss immigrants in the 1880's arrived out East. The journey for new settlers was long and treacherous, as their final destination was somewhere West where free farmland was still up for grabs!
This was the time when new and already existing Swiss communities like New Glarus in Wisconsin gained critical mass.
Now, sit back and join Oli and Rafael on their quest to find Little Switzerland in North America!
Spotted Cow (New Glarus, WI) is pretty much the best small-batch beer in the US. Now if only the breweries in the Zurich area could follow suit…
Hi Yessica,
Well actually I can name three very good Micro Breweries in the Zürich area.
1: Stadtguet (My personal favourite & I love the Blonde!)
2: Bier Factory (Run by a Kiwi who used to work for one of the big ones in Zürich)
3: Euelbräu (Just outside Winti)
Now I must make a post on Micro Breweries in the Zürich area ;-)
Best Regards
excellent find! cheers for that!
[…] crossing Asia and North America, they have come across cutesy "Little Switzerland" communities with cutesy Swiss restaurants, Swiss […]
[…] have built many cable cars spread all over the world, for example the one up to Grouse Mountain in Vancouver, […]