The streets of Bern’s Kramgasse are interlaced with fashion shops, bakeries and restaurants – all forming an unmistakable chain of colors and buzzing with activity. Almost hidden from sight is the house where Albert Einstein lived from 1903 to 1905.
And this is no other but the little one-room apartment which bears witness to the dawn of the famous Theory of Relativity!
As I entered the Einstein House, everything about it oozed excellence and intelligence. It amazed me to see how small the apartment was, sheltering a genius like Einstein. A little center table, a small sofa, and a few other paltry sets of furniture pieces were all that adorned the abode of Einstein.
For all those who seek history, there is no better start than here – the Einstein House at Kramgasse in Bern. There is also a little screening room on the top floor for those who intend to know all about the life of Einstein.
For less than 10 Francs, believe me, it is worth taking a ride into the life of a man who quietly chartered the course of world history. And at the end, if you want to discuss your own theories, step into the cozy Einstein Café downstairs which proudly displays its tagline: Relatively the best!
Well, we couldn’t agree more!