"Mamiko und Dimitri Burkhard kennen die Schweiz in- und auswendig und wissen, wo es richtig knuddelig wird."
20 Minuten (Print) - Oct 12, 2018
"Dimitri Burkhard knows that spending a few years working in Zurich’s economic region is like winning the lottery. The head of the online magazine Newly Swissed explains why the region is as attractive for young IT professionals as it is for established managers."
Greater Zurich Area (Online) - Apr 9, 2018
"Dimitri und Mamiko Burkhard
gehen mit Entdeckergeist durch
die Schweiz und zeigen ihren
Lesern Dinge, die im Alltag meistens
keine Beachtung finden."
Fine to Dine (Print) - Oct 2018
"Newlyswissed.com ist eine Seite für Expats.
Sie ist aber für Schweizer genauso interessant."
Blick am Abend (Print) - Dec. 4, 2014
"The magazine entitled 'Newly Swissed' is packed with fascinating facts and news items about the offbeat and unfamiliar."
Swiss Review (Print) - August 2013 - Barbara Engel
"Für den Japaner, Amerikaner oder Engländer, der durch Dimitri Burkhards Onlinemagazin stöbert, wird seine Wahlheimat Schweiz fassbarer."
Tagblatt der Stadt Zürich (Print) - Jan. 16, 2013
Looking for fresh and unique content with strong ties to Switzerland?
"Haben das Selfiemuseum ausgiebig getestet: die Zürcher Blogger Dimitri und Mamiko Burkhard vom Newly Swissed Onlinemagazin."
Tagblatt der Stadt Zürich (Print) - Feb. 12, 2020
"Entre humour et réalité, le magazine en ligne pour expatriés Newly Swissed tente de rassembler quelques données concrètes qui nous rendent, paraît-il, si heureux. Il cite en vrac nos héros nationaux, mythiques ou réels, comme Heidi ou Roger Federer…"
L'Illustré (Print) - June 10, 2015
"The Swiss love their bread. According to the online magazine Newly Swissed, locals see Switzerland much more as the land of bread than of cheese or chocolate. There are over 200 types, including varieties from each of the 22 Swiss cantons."
National Geographic (Online)
"Fom Buckeyes to Newly Swissed: born, in part, as a bid to readjust to daily life in Switzerland after nearly a decade abroad, Dimitri’s project is helping tourists and expats alike find the lighter side of life under the white cross."
Hello Switzerland (Print) - Issue 4/2015
"I’d like to introduce one of my favourite Swiss blogs: Newly Swissed, a visual lifestyle platform about Switzerland. And it is very visual, which is one of things I love about it. That and the variety of posts and articles it has, helped by having a whole team of willing and able bloggers involved."
Diccon Bewes (July 2012)
"Ein Blog für Zugezogene." and "'Typisch Schweiz' in einem Blog."
regio (Print) - June 27, 2013 and Feb 5, 2015
"Newly Swissed spannt einen Bogen von Abhandlungen über die Schweizer Brotkultur zu den Tücken der Waschküchenordnung und zeigt Kurioses und Interessantes über die Schweiz."
werbewoche.ch (Newsletter/Online) - June 24, 2013