Probably you also stumble upon some interesting articles once in a while. Personally, I always look forward to browse through those free newspapers or magazines on board of trains and airplanes. On a recent flight from Amsterdam to Zürich, I was completely taken by surprise about an article which surely made me frown...
In the March 2011 issue of Holland Herald, a free magazine published by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, I saw some strange looking sheep. While reading through the small article I got even more surprised about this very creative Swiss invention! These sheep were all about new ways of slowing down traffic…
Slowing down traffic and sheep?
Christophe Machet, who grew up in the Swiss alps, found out how effective sheep can be at slowing down traffic in the countryside. It is this knowledge he used to advise the city of Gland (Canton of Vaud) that sheep on the road caused drivers to slow down, solving that one question how to get cars to drive slower in this town. Instead of risking the lives of innocent cute little sheep, Mr. Machet made a concrete counterpart which could be put on the roads (and won’t walk away either!).
At least one thing is for sure: This new way to solve speeding is in any case very amusing and will most probably get some people smiling while steering their cars around these reflective sheep. If you really like these sheep, they can also be considered as benches or flowerpots at home!
Unfortunately, they have not entered mass production just yet, according to the Holland Herald. But who knows what will be reflecting in your horizon while driving your car in Switzerland this summer... “Be awaaaaaaare!” said the sheep.
So, have you recently found out some interesting ways how the Swiss deal with their daily issues? Or did the Swiss surprise you in any other way?
Please leave a comment or use that keyboard in front of you and write your own article for Newly Swissed! As for me, I have one down and many more to go...
(More: Christophe Machet; Holland Herald)