Newly Swissed Online Magazine

Here are 10 truly unusual things made of chocolate

The Swiss hold a record for the highest per capita consumption of chocolate at 12.4 kg (that's 27 lbs)!

Ok, so hear me out: This figure is actually based on chocolate sold instead of chocolate consumed. So in other words, nobody knows how many chocolate Easter bunnies I have killed but yours truly...

To make a point, those of you who have received several pounds of Swiss chocolate from us over the last few years know who you are... You have helped to skew the statistics, which make the Swiss look like a people of #chocoholics (OK, we are).

Here's a piece of wisdom we want you to know: "Nine out of ten people like chocolate. The tenth is a liar." (Source unknown)

Since the Swiss have to live up to these statistics no matter what, we thought I could help everyone by offering alternatives to ordinary chocolate bars. Here are the most unusual things made out of chocolate:


A pair of ladies' high heels

These delicate chocolate heels were specially made for a Tokyo department store. Needless to say, they never made it on the catwalk.

Chocolate Lady Heels
Copyright Theobroma Cacao

Swiss chocolate stamps

Released in 2001 by the Swiss Postal Service, these chocolate-scented priority stamps quickly became a chocoholic's dream. Not surprisingly, many of these stamps never made it on envelopes...

A laptop made entirely of chocolate

Not to be confused with the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) initiative, this laptop is actually made from sugar, cocoa butter, milk powder, and cocoa mass. Needless to say, it makes for a perfect gift for that chocoholic among your friends...

Chocolate Laptop(Photograph copyright by

A dress made of chocolate

This finger likin' dress at the Salon du Chocolat in Zürich is entirely made of chocolate.

Salon du Chocolat 2012

A Nintendo NES controller made of chocolate

Discovered on eBay, the purpose of this chocolate NES controller apparently is to melt in your sweaty palms during a round of Double Dragon. It does bring back retro memories though.

Chocolate vinyl records and a mix tape

This record/mix tape combo is sure to bring back memories from the Golden Times - one bite at a time.

Chocolate Record Audio Tape(Photograph copyright by choconchoc)

The Chocolate Express

In the Guinness Book of World Records, the Chocolate Express train is officially the longest chocolate structure in the world. Hold on to something: It is 34 m long and made entirely of Belgian chocolate.

Chocolate Express - Andrew Farrugia(Photograph copyright by Bernal Revert)

A realistic-looking chocolate toolkit

I use tools twice a year tops, so these precious chocolate pliers and wrenches would sadly go to waste where I live... unless I ate them in the first place!

Chocolate Toolkit(Photograph copyright by rakuten/frantz)

Chocolate City

Created by Japanese artists for a Tokyo chocolate exhibit. This is my personal favorite due to its simplicity yet intriguing complexity. On the way to the kitchen to grab some Swiss chocolate now...

Chocolate City Mold
Copyright TrendHunter/Toyko's All-Chocolate Exhibition

And finally, a chocolate Porsche 911

A Dutch Porsche dealership came up with the brilliant idea to support Swiss chocolate exports while at the same time boosting car sales. Barry Callebaut has graciously sponsored this initiative, which has since gone viral among the chocoholic community.

Barry Callebaut - Chocolate Porsche
Barry Callebaut - Chocolate Porsche
Copyright Barry Callebaut

BONUS: Is it made of chocolate, or not?

Intellivision Console Set(Photograph copyright by Evan-Amos/Wikimedia Commons)

Dimitri Burkhard

As the founder, editor, and community manager of Newly Swissed, Dimitri owns the strategic vision. He is passionate about storytelling and is a member of Swiss Travel Communicators. Dimitri loves discovering new trends and covers architecture, design, start-ups and tourism.

Dimitri Burkhard

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