Newly Swissed Online Magazine

17 Nostalgic Signs of #GrowingUpSwiss

So our friends at BuzzFeed have picked their favorites from the trending hashtag #GrowingUpSwiss.

Being quite the nostalgic person myself, I felt inspired to dig into my own mental archives to reflect on growing up Swiss. A disclaimer up front: If you did not grow up in the 1970's or 1980's, you probably wouldn't understand...

Here are my personal memories of growing up as a child of the 1980's in Switzerland:

We played Gummitwist until the cows came home...

Gummitwist Chinese Jump Rope Game

My first watch was a Flik Flak.

Flik Flak Swatch Watch

My rucksack was made of real leather, lasting for six years:


I would hang out in the toy sections at the ABM, EPA and Vilan department stores.

Vintage Swiss Grocery Bags (Copyright by WANKEN)

I always bought SJW magazines at school (but never read them).

SJW Heftli

And I needed my parents' help to build the Bastelbogen:

Bastelbogen Appenzeller Haus

When the Swiss Army tanks rolled through town, we begged for chocolate and cookies.

Swiss Army Cookies

I fit through the smallest gap at Knies Kinderzoo:

Knies Kinderzoo in Rapperswil

All my toys were made of wood.

Wooden Toys Appenzell

In first grade, they taught me math with Mini Lük.

Mini Lük

I was a member of the SBB Junior Club.

SBB Junior Club

And I still remember that train tickets looked like this:

SBB Train Tickets (Copyright

I basically grew up on chocolate popsicles from Migros.

Migros Ice Cream - Chocolate

I would carve a turnip for Räbelichtliumzug.

Swiss Turnip Parade - Raebelichtliumzug

I was always worried when Samichlaus showed up (and didn't know that behind the beard was an in-law).

Samichlaus (1983)

I felt relieved when Schellen-Ursli came home with the big bell.


And I listened to the audio tape of Schlieremer Chind - Chum mer gönnd in Zoo, over and over again:

Remember these?

(Gummitwist photograph copyright Wikipedia, Bastelbogen copyright by Wikipedia, turnip photograph copyright by Wikipedia, school backpack copyright by, Swiss department store bags copyright by WANKEN, SBB ticket stubs copyright by Lorenz Derungs/

Dimitri Burkhard

As the founder, editor, and community manager of Newly Swissed, Dimitri owns the strategic vision. He is passionate about storytelling and is a member of Swiss Travel Communicators. Dimitri loves discovering new trends and covers architecture, design, start-ups and tourism.


Dimitri Burkhard

Download our e-book: 77 Facts about Switzerland
