You bicycle across the countryside, and they are there. Or you hike across an Alpine pasture, and they are there, too. Cows are everywhere in Switzerland, and they are silently observing the world around them.
I would argue that we have never really considered the cow‘s perspective. They are just munching grass all day, right? Wrong.
Swiss farmer Christoph Sigrist wanted to know how cows see the world, so he equipped his favorite cow Sofie with a small, lightweight “bell cam”. Installed inside a bell, this tiny camera would record Sofie and her cow friends‘ perspectives on juicy herbs, green pastures, and – hold on tight – humans!
That’s right: Cows observe us humans just as they would pay attention to little piglets (or their own shadow). COWCAM is a quirky collection of this new photography genre. The photographs are really fascinating as they show the surroundings that these cows live in.
Some of the pictures are so crisp that you would not have guessed they were taken by cows. The only giveaways might be a chin sticking into the picture, or the shadow of a cow’s own head.
Farmers and cow handlers all over Switzerland tell the stories behind the photographs. These passages – some more adventurous than others – provide additional depth and make COWCAM very much worthwhile a closer “look”. By the way, the initiants found more than 100 backers on a Swiss crowdfunding website to fund the publication of the COWCAM book.
Order the book (CHF 39.90)