Hello together! Welcome back to Swinglish University!
I am so exciting about presenting you a follow-up to my earlier post! Here are some more amusing expressions to add to our Swinglish dictionary.
Again, the intention of Swinglish University is by no means to ridicule a people who on average speak 3.25 languages! We mean no harm and simply want to have an occasional chuckle about some of the odd expressions which result from living in a multi-lingual society like Switzerland. That's ok, right?
So, take them or leave them. And always remember how we would sound speaking a foreign language, especially one as strange as Swiss German...
Excuse me, but remind me...
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Instead of "am" cold...
Brief and on the the point:
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"For example" and "teach me":
Meet each other:
Steak is often pronounced at Shteek:
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My favourite Swinglish is “winding” as in “It is winding outside, there will be a storm.” It took me a long time to explain that you cannot say the wind is winding!
That’s a good one, but kind of understandable: It’s raining and snowing, so why not winding?
Love the “Par Example” I can see the french influence, and I also love ‘” Your email was short and pregnant”…..All in good fun :)
There’s definitively a lot going on in terms of languages in Switzerland, so you’re right on with the “par example”, Maria!
A few more…
It walks me icecold the back down.
Es läuft mir eiskalt den Rücken runter.
I know me here out.
Ich kenne mich hier aus.
Give not so on!
Gib nicht so an!
I hold it in the head not out!
Ich halt’s im Kopf nicht aus!
There my hairs stand up to the mountain!
Da stehen mir die Haare zu Berge!
That’s the hit, Mark!
Das isch de Hit, Mark!
My dear sweet Swiss husband always says that cheese gets “spicier” with age. He means “sharp.” :-)
I totally feel him! Spicier as in “herbier” ;-)