Planes - Swiss Air First Class Suite (link)
Last year, Swiss Air has unveiled their new suites for first class passengers. Not that I am jealous or anything, but I don't think these built-in full beds look very comfy. And who needs flat-screen TV's when we could be sharing a screen way up front like in a real movie theater? Besides, toasting to a glass of champagne above the clouds is way overrated! Anyway, here is what these suites supposedly look like:
Trains - Zurich Main Station First Class Lounge (link)
The story continues much the same on the ground. If you are holder of an all-inclusive rail pass in first class, you now have the dreadful choice to hang out in a VIP lounge with free beverages and newspapers. Who would want to do this when you could be people-watching while sipping on a 5 Swiss franc latte? For those of you who would, here is what the lounge looks like:
... and by foot (sorry, no automobiles) - City Lounge St. Gallen (link)
As part of an international design competition to bring life back to the financial district, the city of St. Gallen installed a permanent red carpet. Pedestrians may hang out in chaises and lounge seats, all made of a special rubber material. How cool is that? If you are really digging this, click here for a 360 degree view of the City Lounge.